Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Helpful Article

This a link to an article entitled "How Buffy Changed the World of Lesbians on TV" that I found helpful while writing my final project:

Sarah Warn, the writer of the piece, does a great job of talking about the progression of the relationship between Tara and Willow and then discussing the impact the relationship had on viewers and how groundbreaking it was. She's not totally swept up in how great it was, though - she does talk, near the end of the piece, of a few of the faults that the show had: Tara's death, Willow and Kennedy's relationship, and the identification of Willow as a lesbian rather than a bisexual.

Warn also talks about networks shying away from physical contact between two women, and about how decisions made by producers relate to ratings, which is a really important subject.

Her piece was really helpful for giving me background information about the only show that has been groundbreaking for lesbians.

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